Hey Seattle! July 27, 2015.

July 27, 2015

We are in Seattle! We made it safe and sound thanks to Tanaya and Rebecca. The flight went very smoothly, even though I left my I.D. with Mom who has it in Oregon, oops. I made it through without too many problems, I just had to get frisked and they had to check all my stuff, good news, I'm not a terrorist!  The hotel is PERFECT with a view of the space needle and within walking distance of Pikes Place. Traci and I walked around the city a bit, she has been stuck in the woods       ( a.k.a camp) for the last 2 weeks so she was loving the city life. I am so beyond blessed by the help I’ve received, thank you all for helping make this Seattle trip possible! I meet with the specialist, Dr. Ngheim tomorrow, the radiology oncologist, and Dr. Bhatia. I’m hoping that they will be able to give me a lot of answers as far as what my treatment plan is and what stage I have. Please be praying for wisdom and a clear plan!

I’ve been waiting for these appointments ever since I had surgery. I’ve had mixed feelings about it. It’s been hard not to feel kind of like Cancer is a dictator. It decides when I eat, when I sleep, where I live, where I go, when I go, etc. One minute I am a 21 year old who had been living on my own for 3 years and was in control of my own life, and overnight I am all of a sudden handing everything over to Cancer. It’s so easy to feel that way but as I was praying about it I realized that I was never in control of my life. God is in control. Cancer does not dictate my life, the doctors, nurses, my parents, they aren’t trying to take control, they are trying to help me fight. So I don’t get to necessarily pick where I live? I have to change my lifestyle and I might not get to do some of the things I used to do, oh well! My life doesn’t stop while I deal with Cancer, it doesn’t begin again if I get healed. Cancer is just a part of my life now, and I am choosing to let it make my life better, not worse. Whatever the Doctors tell me tomorrow, I am prepared. I am going in with no expectations, I am just going to trust that God is good and He will do what is best for me! Short blog post today because I am exhausted from traveling! I will let you know asap when I get some answers tomorrow, love ya! 

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