Oops, Wasted. August 27, 2015.

August 27, 2015.

So I woke up yesterday all set to take myself up in my own challenge, yes I actually try to practice what I preach, and well it didn't exactly go as planned. (Read the previous post to understand what challenge in referring to). The morning started off well, I gulped down my slimy green juice without complaining, I enjoyed a conversation with my Mom and Sister, and went thrifting with Sis. All good things, and I did my absolute best to enjoy every moment. Then treatment came along and I even though it's not the one thing I imagined myself doing in my last day, I still tried to enjoy it and be grateful for it! So up to this point I felt pretty good about my challenge, then we decided to go to Sprint to get a phone set up...4 hours later...I failed at my challenge. And I didn't blog. Now you know why. But now we all have spiffy new phones and we got rid of our slider dinosaurs from Jr. High! What a huge blessing! I want to know how you all did? If you didn't accept the challenge guess what, if you wake up tomorrow the Lord gave you another day so no excuses! 

It made me realize, we can sit there and hope and dream and try to picture what our perfect day, our perfect life, our perfect plan would look like but how often does it actually happen that way!? I didn't plan for my pretend last day to be spent in the phone store. I didn't plan for 21 year old me to get cancer. So what then? Do we just say "Well that didn't work out so I may as well give up!" Or  "Well crap now that was wasted, one more day in the trash." I did this you guys! I sat at the phone store and said "What a waste." But do we really want to live life thinking that moments that don't go our way are just wasted? That would entail me believing that this entire cancer journey was a big waste. Or that you working at that minimum wage job after college is just a waste. Or you thinking that your teenage son who got arrested was just a waste. I don't ever remember the people in the bible saying, "Well God I ended up being chosen by the King that I hate to be married to, guess the rest of my life is just a waste! Does God ever throw us away? Does He say, For YOU know the plans the plans, no no no He says for I know the plans I have for you. God wastes nothing, not even the 4 hours you spend in a phone store. 

Love you all! In case you didn't get the memo Sis and I will be singing at the walkathon which means we'll be there! So please be there too so I can meet you! 

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