We went to the zoo today and it was Jess's first time ever! You could say she shared a special connection with a monkey so her day was made. Radiation side effects are worsening, I can barely swallow solid food now because my throat is so dry so prayers for that would be awesome!
We went to a rad college group tonight! The speaker was authentic and transparent and the community was really genuine. Jess and I walked out and didn't introduce ourselves to anyone. As we walked down the street I thought about my recent blog and how I challenged you all to pour into a community and allow the community to pour into you. I stopped dead in my tracks and knew that I needed to go back in there and develop a community. If not for them to pour into me, for me to allow the Lord to use me to pour into them. So we went back in. It's so easy to let fear and insecurity hold you back from meeting people isn't it? But how rewarding is it when you go forward with the confidence in Christ! The amazing thing about the Christian community is that you are walking into a room of your brother and sisters. You should walk in feeling like you could rely on any one of them and you should walk in excitedly anticipating how God is going to use you.
So we did! We walked in and right away I was able to share the amazing testimony of the Lord and His work through me during my battle with cancer. Now if we would have continued walking away I would have never been able to invest in a community!
I want to reiterate the fact that God truly brings people into your life during different seasons. I struggle with this a lot. I used to really think it was a bad thing that people would come and go in my life. I thought it was a character flaw in me and that I wasn't trying hard enough to stay in contact with people. While sometimes that's the case, you do have to put in the effort to be intentional, that's not always how it goes. You will always meet people and sometimes they are long term and sometimes they are short term, either way you can trust that they are there for a reason. Don't ruin the season by trying to guess if they're here to stay or just temporary. Just enjoy the moments, life happens in moments.
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